[JCollab] Hannah x J & Co Foundry
Jehovah Jireh - The Lord is our provider
God’s Names reveal His nature and character. His two primary names in Hebrew are:
(1) ELOHIM (The Powerful Creator), translated GOD
(2) YHWH = JEHOVAH or YAHWEH (Jewish pronounciation), translated LORD. Yhwh is His personal covenant name, that he uses with His friends, those who know him, who are in covenant with Him. God reveals His Names progressively in the Old Testament. They were all prophetic because they would only be brought into full manifestation through the Coming Messiah and His Atonement. Thus, the Jehovah compound Names reveal who He is to us in the Covenant. He says: ‘I AM (Jehovah), your: PROVIDER (Jireh), HEALER (rophe), VICTORY (Nissi), SANCTIFICATION (mckeddesh), PEACE (shalom), ROHI (shepherd), RIGHTEOUSNESS (Tsidkenu), and THE LORD WHO IS THERE (Shammah).’✨
In Genesis 22, Jehovah-jireh was the place where God told Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering. Abraham named the place after God provided a ram to sacrifice in place of Isaac. Jehovah-jireh translates to “The Lord is our Provider/Provision.” The word there is richer than what our English denotes — “Provide” in Hebrew is also “see to it,” which is similar to the name a woman named Hagar calls the Lord in Genesis 16:13 – “The God who Sees.” In Hebrew, it also means “perceive” and “experience.”
So, when Abraham calls God Jehovah-Jireh, he isn’t just saying, “God gives us things!” He is saying, “You see/experience all this need of mine and make provision for it.”✨
In this way, God not only provides for our daily needs (Matthew 6:26), but he also provides our provision for eternity through Jesus. God provided his only son as the atoning sacrifice for our sins so “that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Jesus was the final sacrifice, the flawless lamb able to redeem all sinners and pay for our sins. Jesus is God’s perfect and complete provision, the fulfillment of every person’s deepest needs. When we say Jehovah Jireh, The Lord will provide, we know it is true because we can see it in the flowers and birds and we can see it at the cross – Jesus is His great provision!

To find out more about Hannah and see more of her artworks, follow her on Instagram @hannah.letters